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The October Game

Автор(ы):Рэй Брэдбери

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Ray Bradbury

The October Game

He put the gun back into the bureau drawer and shut the drawer.

No, not that way. Louise wouldn't suffer. It was very important that this thing have, above all duration. Duration through imagination. How to prolong the suffering? How, first of all, to bring it about? Well.

The man standing before the bedroom mirror carefully fitted his cuff-links together. He paused long enough to hear the children run by switftly on the street below, outside this warm two-storey house, like so many grey mice the children, like so many leaves.

By the sound of the children you knew the calendar day. By their screams you knew what evening it was. You knew it was very late in the year. October. The last day of October, with white bone masks and cut pumpkins and the smell of dropped candle wax.

No. Things hadn't been right for some time. October didn't help any. If anything it made things worse. He adjusted his black bow-tie. If this were spring, he nodded slowly, quietly, emotionlessly, at his image in the mirror, then there might be a chance. But tonight all the world was burning down into ruin. There was no green spring, none of the freshness, none of the promise.

There was a soft running in the hall. «That's Marion», he told himself. «My little one». All eight quiet years of her. Never a word. Just her luminous grey eyes and her wondering little mouth. His daughter had been in and out all evening, trying on various masks, asking him which was most terrifying, most horrible. They had both finally decided on the skeleton mask. It was «just awful!» It would «scare the beans» from people!

Again he caught the long look of thought and deliberation he gave himself in the mirror. He had never liked October. Ever since he first lay in the autumn leaves before his granmother's house many years ago and heard the wind and sway the empty trees. It has made him cry, without a reason. And a little of that sadness returned each year to him. It always went away with spring. But, it was different tonight. There was a feeling of autumn coming to last a million years. There would be no spring.

He had been crying quietly all evening. It did not show, not a vesitge of it, on his face. It was all hidden somewhere and it wouldn't stop.

The rich syrupy smell of sweets filled the bustling house. Louise had laid out apples in new skins of toffee; there were vast bowls of punch fresh-mixed, stringed apples in each door, scooped, vented pumpkins peering triangularly from each cold window. There was a water tub in the centre of the living room, waiting, with a sack of apples nearby, for dunking to begin. All that was needed was the catalyst, the impouring of children, to start the apples bobbing, the srtinged apples to penduluming in the crowded doors, the sweets to vanish, the halls to echo with fright or delight, it was all the same.

Now, the house was silent with preparation. And just a little more than that.

Louise had managed to be in every other room save the room he was in today. It was her very fine way of intimating, Oh look Mich, see how busy I am! So busy that when you walk into a room I'm in there's always something I need to do in another room! Just see how I dash about!

For a while he had played a little game with her, a nasty childish game. When she was in the kitchen then he came to the kitchen saying, «I need a glass of water.» After a moment, he standing, drinking water, she like a crystal witch over the caramel brew bubbling like a prehistoric mudpot on the stove, she said, «Oh, I must light the pumpkins!» and she rushed to the living room to make the pumpkins smile with light. He came after, smiling, «I must get my pipe.» «Oh, the cider!» she had cried, running to the dining room. «I'll check the cider,» he had said. But when he tried following she ran to the bathroom and locked the door.

He stood outside the bathroom door, laughing strangely and senselessly, his pipe gone cold in his mouth, and then, tired of the game, but stubborn, he waited another five minutes. There was not a sound from the bath. And lest she enjoy in any way knowing that he waited outside, irritated, he suddenly jerked about and walked upstairs, whistling merrily.

At the top of the stairs he had waited. Finally he had heard the bathroom door unlatch and she had come out and life below-stairs and resumed, as life in a jungle must resume once a terror has passed on away and the antelope return to their spring.

Now, as he finished his bow-tie and put his dark coat there was a mouse-rustle in the hall. Marion appeared in the door, all skeletons in her disguise.

«How do I look, Papa?»


From under the mask, blonde hair showed. From the skull sockets small blue eyes smiled. He sighed. Marion and Louise, the two silent denouncers of his virility, his dark power. What alchemy had there been in Louise that took the dark of a dark man and bleached the dark brown eyes and black hair and washed and bleached the ingrown baby all during the period before birth until the child was born, Marion, blonde, blue-eyed, ruddy-cheeked? Sometimes he suspected that Louise had conceived the child as an idea, completely asexual, an immaculate conception of contemptuous mind and cell. As a firm rebuke to him she had produced a child in her own image, and, to top it, she had somehow fixed the doctor so he shook his head and said, «Sorry, Mr Wilder, your wife will never have another child. This is the last one.» «And I wanted a boy,» Mich had said eight years ago.

He almost bent to take hold of Marion now, in her skull mask. He felt an inexplicable rush of pity for her, because she had never had a father's love, only the crushing, holding love of a loveless mother. But most of all he pitied himself, that somehow he had not made the most of a bad birth, enjoyed his daughter for herself, regardless of her not being dark and a son and like himself. Somewhere he had missed out. Other things being equal, he would have loved the child. But Louise hadn't wanted a child, anyway, in the first place. She had been frightened of the idea of birth. He had forced the child on her, and from that night, all through the year until the agony of the birth itself, Louise had lived in another part of the house. She had expected to die with the forced child. It had been very easy for Louise to hate this husband who so wanted a son that he gave his only wife over to the mortuary.

But — Louise had lived. And in truimph! Her eyes, the day he came to the hospital, were cold. I'm alive they said. And I have a blonde daughter! Just look! And when he had put out a hand to touch, the mother had turned away to conspire with her new pink daughter-child — away from that dark forcing murderer. It had all been so beautifully ironic. His selfishness deserved it.

But now it was October again. There had been other Octobers and when he thought of the long winter he had been filled with horror year after year to think of the endless months mortared into the house by an insane fall of snow, trapped with a woman and child, neither of whom loved him, for months on end. During the eight years there had been respites. In spring and summer you got out, walked, picknicked; these were desperate solutions to the desperate problem of a hated man.

But, in winter, the hikes and picnics and escapes fell away with leaves. Life, like a tree, stood empty, the fruit picked, the sap run to earth. Yes, you invited people in, but people were hard to get in winter with blizzards and all. Once he had been clever enough to save for a Florida trip. They had gone south. He had walked in the open.

But now, the eighth winter coming, he knew things were finally at an end. He simply could not wear this one through. There was an acid walled off in him that slowly had eaten through tissue and bone over the years, and now, tonight, it would reach the wild explosive in him and all would be over!

There was a mad ringing of the bell below. In the hall, Louise went to see. Marion, without a word, ran down to greet the first arrivals. There were shouts and hilarity.

He walked to the top of the stairs.

Louise was below, taking cloaks. She was tall and slender and blonde to the point of whiteness, laughing down upon the new children.

He hesitated. What was all this? The years? The boredom of living? Where had it gone wrong? Certainly not with the birth of the child alone. But it had been a symbol of all their tensions, he imagined. His jealousies and his business failures and all the rotten rest of it. Why didn't he just turn, pack a suitcase, and leave? No. Not without hurting Louise as much as she had hurt him. It was simple as that. Divorce wouldn't hurt her at all. It would simply be an end to numb indecision. If he thought divorce would give her pleasure in any way he would stay married the rest of his life to her, for damned spite. No he must hurt her. Figure some way, perhaps, to take Marion away from her, legally. Yes. That was it. That would hurt most of all. To take Marion.

«Hello down there!» He descended the stairs beaming.

Louise didn't look up.

«Hi, Mr Wilder!»

The children shouted, waved, as he came down.

By ten o'clock the doorbell had stopped ringing, the apples were bitten from stringed doors, the pink faces were wiped dry from the apple bobbling, napkins were smeared with toffee and punch, and he, the husband, with pleasant efficiency had taken over. He took the party right out of Louise's hands. He ran about talking to the twenty children and the twelve parents who had come and were happy with the special spiked cider he had fixed them. He supervised pin the tail on the donkey, spin the bottle, musical chairs, and all the rest, amid fits of shouting laughter. Then, in the triangular-eyed pumpkin shine, all house lights out, he cried, «Hush! Follow me!» tiptoeing towards the cellar.

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Апрельское колдовство
Большой пожар
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Большая игра между черными и белыми
Будет ласковый дождь...
Чертово колесо
Бархатный сезон
Быть может, мы уже уходим...
Человек в воздухе
Прощай, «Лафайет»!
Мир-Земле (сборник)
Из праха восставшие
Библиотека современной фантастики. Том 3. Рэй Брэдбери
Темный карнавал
О скитаньях вечных и о Земле
Пропавший марсианский город
Ночное путешествие в Восточном экспрессе
Утопии опасны (Интервью с Рэем Брэдбери)
Солнце и тень
Включите ночь!
Знали, чего хотят
Разговор оплачен заранее
Удивительная кончина Дадли Стоуна
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Сойди ко мне в подвал
Уснувший в Армагеддоне
Золотой змей, Cеребряный ветер
Кладбище для безумцев
Искатель. 1961-1991. Выпуск 3
тастики. Выпуск 21
Искатель. 1961-1991. Выпуск 3
Из праха восставшие
Задача на деление
Приезжайте вместе с Констанс!
В июне, в тёмный час ночной
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В июне, в тёмный час ночной
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Разговор в ночи
В июне, в тёмный час ночной
По уставу
Вернувшаяся из праха
К западу от октября
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Ведьмин закут
Подлинная египетская мумия работы полковника Стоунстила
И грянул гром… (Том 4-й дополнительный)
рник приключенческих и фантастических повестей и рассказов
I Sing the Body Electric!
The One Who Waits
The Machineries of Joy
The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit
The Pedestrian
Long After Midnight
Dorian In Excelsis
The Man Upstairs
The Messiah
The Best of All Possible Worlds
The Little Mice
Henry the Ninth
A Story of Love
The Cistern
Almost the End of the World
All Summer in a Day
The Crowd
The Watchful Poker Chip of H. Matisse
Interim (Time Intervening)
The Lake
The Rocket Man
Quicker Than The Eye
The Electrocution
Uncle Einar
Afterword: Make Haste To Live
The Rocket
The Miracles of Jamie
The Flying Machine
The Dragon
The Fox and the Forest
The Very Gentle Murders
The Finnegan
The Fog Horn
Prologue: The Illustrated Man
Last Rites
The April Witch
The Wind
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Tomorrow's Child
he Day it Rained Forever
Free Dirt
The Ghost in the Machine
The Scythe
Heart Transplant
Perchance to Dream (Asleep in Armageddon)
The Emissary
Dark They were, And Golden Eyed (The Naming of Names)
Touched with Fire
The Wilderness
The Next in Line
A Scent of Sarsaparilla
The Smile
G.B.S. - Mark V
The Other Highway
Remember Sascha?
The Wonderful Death of Dudley Stone
Marionettes, Inc.
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In a Season of Calm Weather
Invisible Boy
The Pumpernickel
I See You Never
The Small Assassin
The Murderer
Darling Adolf
That Woman on the Lawn
Tyrannosaurus Rex
The Dog in the Red Bandana
The Garbage Collector
Unterderseaboat Doktor
A Sound of Thunder
The Veldt
The Exiles
The Witch Door
The Town Where No One Got Off
No News, or What Killed the Dog?
The Jar
The Dwarf
At the End of the Ninth Year
Once More, Legato
The Homecoming
Fever Dream
The End of the Beginning
Another Fine Mess
First Day
The Golden Kite, The Silver Wind
There Was an Old Woman
Here There Be Tygers
The Golden Apples of the Sun
Death and the Maiden
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Когда семейство улыбается
Надгробный камень
Когда семейство улыбается
Искатель. 1974. Выпуск №2
Гроб (Поминки по живым)
Надгробный камень
Поиграем в «Отраву»
Когда семейство улыбается
Жила-была старушка
Дядюшка Эйнар
Кладбище для безумцев
Лучезарный Феникс
Ветер из Геттисберга
Лорел и Гарди: роман
Предисловие к сборнику «Сто лучших рассказов»
Октябрьская страна
Октябрьская страна
Знали, чего хотят
Золотой змей, серебряный ветер
Рэй Брэдбери (Том 2-й дополнительный)
Человек в картинках (The Illustrated Man), 1951
Тёмный карнавал (Dark Carnival), 1947
Курсанты Академии
Они появляются в полночь
Искатель. 1966. Выпуск №2
Диковинное диво
Икар Монгольфье Райт
Город, в котором никто не выходит
Чудесный костюм цвета сливочного мороженого
...И времени побег
Лорелея красной мглы
Генрих девятый
Как умерла Рябушинская
Дж. Б. Ш., модель 5
Холодный ветер, теплый ветер
Город мертвых
Как моряк возвращается с моря
И новизной они гонимы
К чикагской впадине
И не было ни ночи, ни рассвета...
Я никогда вас не увижу
Фрукты с самого дна вазы
Мир “Искателя” (сборник)
Искатель. 1966. Выпуск №2
Искатель. 1966. Выпуск №2
Кладбище для безумцев
НФ: Альманах научной фантастики. Операция на совести
Компьютер по имени Джо (Сборник)
Марсіанська хроніка
САДОК ДЛЯ РЕПТИЛИЙ Часть I (Двухтомник англо-американской фантастики)
ЧУЖАЯ АГОНИЯ Сборник научно-фантастических рассказов
Орудия радости
Мотель вещей курицы
Научный подход
И грянул гром… (Том 4-й дополнительный)
Последний король
Всего лишь лихорадочный бред
Электрическое тело пою!
Всё лето в один день
Тот, кто ждёт
Земляничное окошко
Октябрьская игра
Мгновение в лучах солнца
Запах сарсапарели
Нечто необозначенное
Морская раковина
Капелька нетерпимости
Антология сказочной фантастики
Восточным экспрессом на север
Путешествие во времени
Лаз в потолке
ФАТА-МОРГАНА 7 (Фантастические рассказы и повести)
ФАТА-МОРГАНА 4 (Фантастические рассказы и повести)
САДОК ДЛЯ РЕПТИЛИЙ Часть I (Двухтомник англо-американской фантастики)
ФАТА-МОРГАНА 6 (Фантастические рассказы)
ФАТА-МОРГАНА 5 (Фантастические рассказы и повести)
Вирус бессмертия (сборник)
Кричащая женщина
Крик женщины
Куколка (2)
Когда семейство улыбается
Лучшее из времён
Конец начальной поры
Огромный-огромный мир где-то там
Огненный столп
Идеальное убийство
Искатель. 1961-1991. Антология
Искатель. 1965. Выпуск №2
Вино из одуванчиков (сборник)
Яго пумпернiкель (на белорусском языке)
Убить полюбовно
Время, вот твой полет
Пришло время дождей
Tyrannosaurus Rex
Синяя бутылка
Здравствуй и прощай
Ночь семьи
Последний король
Нескончаемый дождь
Апрельское колдовство
Чикагская бездна
Крик женщины
Бархатный сезон
Нiчога новага, альбо Што забiла сабаку (на белорусском языке)
Первая любовь
Маленький убийца
Марсианский затерянный город
Семейный алтарь
Мгновение в лучах солнца
Огромный-огромный мир где-то там
Берег на закате
В ночи
Научный подход
Путешествие во времени
Песочный человек
Октябрьская игра
Лучшее из времён
Выпить сразу - против безумия толп
Наказание без вины (вариант перевода)
Будет ласковый дождь
Дядюшка Эйнар
Мотель Вещей Курицы
Зелёные тени, белый кит
Жила-была старушка
Холодный ветер, теплый ветер
О скитаньях вечных и о земле
Может быть, мы уже уходим
Рубашка с тестами Роршаха
Чудесный костюм цвета сливочного мороженого
Город мертвых
Быть может, мы уже уходим
Фрукты с самого дна вазы
Око за око
Они были смуглые и золотоглазые
В дни вечной весны
Секрет мудрости
Кричащая женщина
Конец начальной поры
Сахарный череп
Вино из одуванчиков
Чудеса и диковины ! Передай дальше !
Зеленое утро
Удивительная кончина Дадли Стоуна
Прикосновение пламени
Смерть и дева
Воронья стая
Большой пожар
Смерть - дело одинокое
Диковинное диво
Когда семейство улыбается
Запах сарсапарели
День поминовения усопших
Золотой змей, серебряный ветер
Разговор оплачен заранее
Пра вандроўкi вечныя i пра Зямлю (на белорусском языке)
Орудия радости
Всё лето в один день
Час Привидений
Р - значит ракета
Отпрыск Макгиллахи
Призраки нового замка
Высшее из блаженств
Солнце и тень
Сойди ко мне в подвал
Уснувший в Армагеддоне
Почти конец света
Дж Б Ш, модель 5
Обратно в будущее
Всего лишь лихорадочный бред
Нечто необозначенное
Урочный час
Земляничное окошко
Ветер из Геттисберга
И времени побег
Огненные шары
Электрическое тело пою !
Чертово колесо
Идеальное убийство
Капелька нетерпимости
Морская раковина
Улыбающееся семейство
И все-таки наш
Лучезарный Феникс
Кавалак дрэва (на белорусском языке)
Как моряк возвращается с моря
Знали, чего хотят
En La Noche
Город, в котором никто не выходит
Рассказ о любви
Здесь водятся тигры
Тот, кто ждет
Спринт до начала гимна
К чикагской впадине
Лазарь, восстань !
Икар Монгольфье Райт
Дело жизни Хуана Диаса
Марионетт Инкорпорейтид
Самое прекрасное время
Погожий день
Жилец из верхней квартиры
Генрих девятый
И камни заговорили
Человек в воздухе
Большая игра между черными и белыми
И новизной они гонимы
Первая ночь великого поста
И грянул гром
Попугай, который знал Папу
Поиграем в 'Отраву'
Корпорация 'Марионетки'
Спустись в мой подвал
День поминовения
Как умерла Рябушинская
Сладкий дар
Утопии опасны (Интервью с Рэем Брэдбери)
Попрыгунчик в шкатулке
Огненный столп
Я никогда вас не увижу
В штиль
Были они смуглые и золотоглазые
И не было ни ночи, ни рассвета
Завтра конец света
Золотые яблоки Солнца
Машина до Килиманджаро
САДОК ДЛЯ РЕПТИЛИЙ Часть I (Двухтомник англо-американской фантастики)
Библиотека фантастики и путешествий в пяти томах. Том 2
ФАТА-МОРГАНА 4 (Фантастические рассказы и повести)
И грянул гром… (Том 4-й дополнительный)
ФАТА-МОРГАНА 2 (Фантастические рассказы и повести)
Машина до Килиманджаро
И камни заговорили
Попугай, который знал Папу
Рубашка с тестами Роршаха
Сахарный череп
Самое прекрасное время
Человек в картинках (рассказ)
Корпорация «Марионетки»
Поиграем в «Отраву»
Жилец из верхней комнаты
То ли ночь, то ли утро
На большой дороге
Другие времена
НФ: Альманах научной фантастики. Выпуск 26 (1982)
НФ: Альманах научной фантастики. Выпуск 26
Крылья ночи (сборник)
Продается планета (сборник)
Безработный робот (сборник)
авторов книг